At the end of May, in cooperation with the ZfU – Zentrum für Unternehmensführung Zürich and CEVEYCONSULTING, I conducted my first training on the topic of “Clear and Consistent Leadership”.
The goal of the training was to teach all participating managers how to draw clear boundaries in their leadership work while remaining appreciative. The 9 participants came from a wide range of industries, including IT, construction, logistics and hospitality.
However, the basic prerequisite for successful leadership is completely independent of the industry: inner clarity. Only those who have clarity about their own expectations, goals and motivations can successfully lead their own employees, set realistic goals and delegate tasks clearly, and thus be successful as a leader. As soon as this fundamental prerequisite is given, a clear and consistent leadership style is much easier to implement:
✅ Effective exchange with employees and colleagues is made possible
✅ Goals can be agreed upon more quickly and with unanimity
✅ Tasks can be delegated with acceptance and understanding of the employees
Asking questions – the path to activating leadership
Another central point of the training was the importance of questions. Questioning oneself, asking employees more questions, asking others to ask questions more often. Questions as a leadership tool enable the exchange of different perspectives, signal interest and result in better solutions with which employees identify more strongly. Remember: To activate employees, you have to ask them more questions and listen to them actively!
Get off the dead horse and do it consistently
An old Indian proverb says “If you are riding a dead horse, get off.” In the context of leadership, this means realizing that a strategy or action you have chosen may no longer be appropriate. It is important to look reality in the eye and admit that decisions may not lead to the desired result. For successful leadership, it is essential to consistently cancel projects and plans where one has backed the “wrong horse” and to communicate this clearly. Otherwise, managers run the risk of demotivating employees and wasting resources.
Learning from practical examples
In addition to the theoretical input, an essential part of the training was to put the methods learned into practice. In challenging practical simulations and complex case discussions, all participants were able to deepen and internalize the leadership methods they had learned. It was very important to me to create an open and relaxed atmosphere in which people were allowed to laugh heartily. The feedback from the participants also confirmed that everyone enjoyed the training and was thus able to absorb and understand the content more easily.
Once again, I was thrilled by the enthusiasm and experience of the participants and had great fun leading this leadership training in Zurich. As a little bonus, I was also able to improve my Schwyzerdütsch, which contributed to the good mood of the group.